A Personal Touch
REACH Standards
The principles of ‘supported living’ have always been about supporting people with a learning disability, autism (and others) to live a life of their choice with the right support. It is the responsibility of all of us to ensure that we work together to realise the rights of people to live good, ordinary lives. We are passionate about empowering individuals exercise their rights in line with the REACH standards as follows:
I choose who I live with.
I choose where I live.
I have my own home (with a tenancy or ownership).
I choose who supports me and how I am supported.
I choose my friends and my relationships.
I get help to make changes in my life.
I choose how to be healthy and safe.
I choose how I am part of my community.
I have the same rights and responsibilities as other citizens.
Complaints Policy
Our reputation depends on our consistent provision of high-quality care. But, despite our best efforts, sometimes things go wrong. We want to know quickly if you, your family or your representatives are dissatisfied with any aspect of the services we provide for you. We have a complaints procedure which should be followed to make a complaint. A copy of the procedure is available to download or at request.
what we believe in
providing person-centered plans to reflect the individuals needs and choices in line with their risk assessments.
promoting independence and encouraging decision-making and the provision of choice, as well as supporting the individual to consider calculated risk.
The right to enjoy privacy and time alone, as well as participating in social activities. taking an approach that benefits each persons physical, psychological and social well-being
we encourage staff to work together with families, as family can be a big part in the service users development.
promoting and encouraging the individual to set personal aims and goals in life and to help them to achieve these through their pathway to independence.